Bienvenidos/ Welcome
Cetiliztli Nauhcampa es un grupo Anahuac Mexica y una organizacion sin fines de lucro que se formo en 1999 por gente proveniente de las cuatro direcciones del Anahuac (hoy el continente Americano). La mayoria de nuestros miembros vienen de Mexico y algunos son de Centro, Sudamerica, el Caribe y tambien de los Estados Unidos.
Cetiliztli es un circulo abierto formado por familias e individuos de la comunidad indigena que radican en la zona metropolitana de Nueva York.
En el grupo mantenemos las tradiciones de la gente nativa, compartiendo nuestra cultura indigena en forma de presentaciones ceremoniales y talleres educativos.
Somos un grupo espiritual, cultural, artistico, politico y educativo. Ofrecemos danzas y cantos que representan la filisofia de Anahuac. Hemos presentado en los principales museos de Nueva York, universidades, escuelas, centros comunitarios, iglesias, y en muchos lugares mas.
Cetiliztli Nauhcampa is an Anahuac Mexica group and non-profit organization that was formed in 1999 by people from the four directions of Anahuac (today the American continent). Most of our members come from Mexico and some are from Central, South America, the Caribbean and also from the United States.
Cetiliztli is an open circle made up of families and individuals from the indigenous community who live in the New York metropolitan area.
In the group we maintain the traditions of the native people, sharing our indigenous culture in the form of ceremonial performances and educational workshops.
We are a spiritual, cultural, artistic, political and educational group. We offer dances and songs that represent the philosophy of Anahuac. We have presented in the main museums in New York, universities, schools, community centers, churches, and in many other places.
Cetiliztli Nauhcampa, at the National Museum of the American Indian 2022.
Cetiliztli Nauhcampa at the Museum of the American Indian in NYC.
Cetiliztli Nauhcampa at the Museum of the American Indian in NYC.
Cetiliztli Nauhcampa, at the National Museum of the American Indian 2022.